Saturday, May 23, 2009


Well I've managed to steal my roommate's computer for a few hours as she's going to dinner and a movie with her ex-host family. So I thought it was high time to add to my lonely blog. I'm about to write that I've had a headache all day today--and I look up to see a tv screen with a poorly lit drug commercial, a Viet Namese woman rubbing her temples and squeezing her eyes shut. (I'm sitting in a coffee shop in a shopping center in my neighborhood). My roommate had a headache today too--she took alleve, but I figure if I have a headache it's for a reason. Not enough water, not enough caffeine, not enough food, too much sun. "Well, I believe in drugs" she responded when I told her I usually don't take anything for headaches. As if not popping pills every time I feel mildly ill means I don't "believe in drugs." Biomedicine has its merits.

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